
How Private George W. Peck Put Down the Rebellion

During the summer of 1989, friend and fellow Holmes Brigader John Maki, introduced me to an interesting book he had found at a sale. The book detailed the amusing, yet fascinating tale of a private soldier in the United States Cavalry during the American Civil War. As I read the book myself, I couldn't quite decide if this was a genuine memoir or a joke.

George W. Peck the man actually existed. In a volume on notable persons from Wisconsin, Peck's resume' is astounding. Newspaperman, humorist, author of many works including 'Peck's Bad Boy' series, he was also a politician and served as governor of Wisconsin from 1891-1895. Begin your hilarious romp into the Peck humor and judge for yourself whether these stories are fact or fancy.

Chapter 1:The War Literature of the "Century" is Very Confusing-I am Resolved To Tell the True Story of the War-How and Why I Became a Raw Recruit
Chapter 2:My Quarters-My Horse-My First Ride
Chapter 3:I Am Rudely Awakened From Dreams of Home-I Go On Picket-The Foe Advances
Chapter 4:A Desperate Conflict-The Union/Confederate Breakfast on the Alabama Racetrack-A Friendly Parting
Chapter 5:I Describe a Deadly Encounter-Am Congratulated as a Warrior with a Big "W"- The Chaplain Gives Good Advice-I Attend Surgeon's Call-Castor Oil Out of a Dirty Bottle-Back to the Chaplain's Tent-I am Wounded in the Canteen
Chapter 6:I Yearn for a Furlough-I Interview the General-I am Detailed to Carry a Rail-I Make a Horse Trade with the Chaplain-I am Put in Charge of a Funeral
Chapter 7:The Funeral of the Colored Cook-I Plead for a Larger Procession-The Funeral Oration-The Funeral Disturbed-I am Arrested-My Fortunate Escape
Chapter 8: I Capture 'Jeff'-I Get Back at the Chaplain-The Chaplain Arrested
Chapter 9:Off on a Raid-I Meet the Relatives of the Dead Confederate-My Powers of Lying are Brought into Play
Chapter 10:Boots and Saddles-I Am the Colonel's Orderly-Riding Fifty Miles on an Empty Stomach-The Chaplain Appears
Chapter 11:I am Wounded by a Locomotive and a Piece of Coal-I Nearly Kill an Old Man
Chapter 12:Three Days Without Food!-The Value of Hard Tack-A Silver Watch for a Pint of Meal-I Steal Corn from a Hungry Mule
Chapter 13:The Delerium of Hunger-I Dine on Mule-I Capture a Rebel Ram
Chapter 14:Bacon and Hardtack-In Danger of Ague-In Search of Whiskey and Quinine-I Am Appointed Corporal-I Make a Speech-I Am the Leader of Ten Picked Men-I Am Willing to Resign
Chapter 15:Yearnings for Military Fame-What I Want is a Chance-I Feel I Could Crush the Rebellion-My Chance Arrives-I Am Crushed-The Rebellion Remains Pretty Well

More adventures to come...